So happy to find you here! The Cancer Registry Association of Arizona is very excited about the new look and energy we are creating around YOUR Association. I emphasize YOUR Association because that’s what CRAAZ is. CRAAZ does not exist without the membership of the registrars throughout the state. An organization that was created in 1997 to serve the Arizona registry community in training and education, networking, and advocacy. With the busyness of the work we do and the volunteer nature of the CRAAZ Board, we recognized that CRAAZ needed to step up and be more of a presence and greater service to the AZ registry community. In the next year you will see more postings to the website… job postings… training and education opportunities… invitations for your involvement… networking opportunities… and more.
To begin with… the next NAACCR Webinar is 6/7/2018 and the topic is Thyroid and Adrenal Gland
(See the calendar attached.) Please join me at the Arizona Cancer Registry for the free airing of this webinar and gain 3 CEU’s. Watch for the registration link from survey monkey or contact Teri Johnson at
Also Please Save the Date of June 29th for the Annual Arizona Cancer Registry meeting
Please spread the word that CRAAZ is here and working to support the Arizona Registry Community. If you have not joined or know new registrars that don’t know about CRAAZ share the info and help make CRAAZ stronger and better to continue to support the good work we all do. We’re stronger together!
Teri Johnson
Trainer/CRAAZ Treasurer
Arizona Cancer Registry