Cancer Registry Association of Arizona’s List of Useful Websites
National Cancer Registrars Association
NCRA is a not-for-profit association representing cancer registry professionals and Certified Tumor Registrars (CTR). NCRA’s primary focus is education and certification with the goal to ensure all cancer registry professionals have the required knowledge to be superior in their field. Worldwide, there are 5,000+ NCRA members and CTRs.
American College of Surgeons Cancer Programs
The Commission on Cancer (CoC) is a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for cancer patients through standard-setting, prevention, research, education, and the monitoring of comprehensive quality care.
Collaborative Stage
The Collaborative Stage Data Collection System (CS) Web pages serve as the main repository for CS-related items including coding instructions, software, and education and training resources for cancer registrars and cancer registry software vendors.
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program
NCI SEER promotes and guides cancer registrars to improve cancer registry data by providing pertinent information, education and training opportunities. This site will assist cancer registrars
Need a hospital’s FIN # (Facility Identification Number) for your abstract?
Check out (provided by ACoS).
I & R (Inquiry & Response) system on the American College of Surgeons’ website:
Go to (provided by ACoS).
The ‘infamous lymph node man’, detailing regional lymph node sites in the body:
Head over to (provided by National Cancer Institute).
SSDI-Social Security Death Index:
Visit (provided by NEHGS) or
Find A Grave:
Looking for expired patients, look for their grave at FindAGrave.
World’s Most Comprehensive Dictionary of Medical Eponyms:
To discover the history behind common medical terms, go to
For anything you really wanted to know about pathology, but were afraid to ask:
Stop by, a funny and easy to understand website!
Want to know what that special stain or tumor marker on that pathology report refers to?
Alphabetical search available at
Prior criminal patients lost to follow-up? offers criminal background searches.
Looking for a physician address out of state?
Make your way to (provided by Administrators in Medicine, a national organization for state medical & osteopathic board executives).
Pleural mesothelioma information:
Pleural mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops in the lungs. It is caused solely by exposure to asbestos which are present in everything from children’s toys to naval carriers. is a website that offers information and steps to take after a diagnosis of mesothelioma.
I would like to introduce you to a unique resource for cancer patients and their caregivers called Cancer Connect. Founded in 1997, and based in Idaho, Cancer Connect provides resources including educational content, daily cancer news, access to experts, and the largest social community to those impacted by a diagnosis of cancer. Over 150,000 cancer patients access CancerConnect monthly.
Cancer Connect is the leading social network and community for cancer patients in the United States. Cancer patients can access CancerConnect directly at or participate through the over 70 cancer clinics, advocacy groups and leading cancer centers that offer CancerConnect to their patients on their website. Building a national community by bringing patients together from leading advocacy groups and cancer centers provides a more powerful exchange of information and broader support. Cancer Connect is used by Harvard – Dana Farber, Roswell Park, MSKCC, Beth Israel, Ohio State, Miami Cancer Institute, The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and other leading cancer centers and clinics. This creates a robust group of patients that can directly interact with each other and those being treated at some of the best cancer centers in the US.
If you would like to learn more about how Cancer Connect can be added to your website please contact us and consider adding Cancer Connect as a resource on your website.
CH Weaver MD Executive Editor Cancer Connect
CancerConnect: You are not alone—The CancerConnect Online Community is a fully moderated, peer-to-peer support group for cancer patients and caregivers. CancerConnect offers patients and caregivers a thriving community to learn, share information, and support each other.