Early Bird Registration Pricing Ends Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that if you haven’t registered for our 2016 Fall Educational Conference (FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 2016), now is the time! 

Early Registration pricing is valid through the end of the day tomorrow (9/24/16). You can register securely via the Events Page on our website (www.craaz.info) or by filling out the conference registration form and mailing it in to our PO Box. 
We hope to see all of you at Mayo Clinic this October. If you have any questions/comments/etc., feel free to get in touch with us via the Contact page on the website. 
After tomorrow, Regular Registration pricing will apply through THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13TH
If I can make one more small plea: 
We’ve all got experience and knowledge to share, and the best way to get your voice heard is to run for office. While the CTR is required to run for president, there are plenty of positions that don’t require certifications. Whatever your background, we can work with you to find a position that you can make a valuable contribution to. 
If  you’ve served on the board before, each year is different and I have no doubt that our President Elect, Daniel Garcia, has exciting plans for 2017. 
What is the commitment, you ask? 
Not much, actually. We hold our meetings via once-a-month phone calls. 
If you’re interested in running for the CRAAZ Board, contact our past president, Iris Castro, at Iris.Castro@ctca-hope.com.
All my best to you, 
Juliet Wilkins 
2016 CRAAZ President