We’ve all got experience and knowledge to share, and the best way to get your voice heard is to run for office. While the CTR is required to run for president, there are plenty of positions that don’t require certifications. Whatever your background, we can work with you to find a position that you can make a valuable contribution to.
Do you have concerns about the pricing for membership or for our annual conference? Do you have ideas for educational offerings? Do you have suggestions for how CRAAZ can help the registry community? Join us!
If you’ve served on the board before, each year is different and I can tell you I already have exciting plans for 2018.
What is the commitment, you ask?
Not much, actually. We hold our meetings via once-a-month phone calls, so you can contribute from the comfort of your own home. Oh, and you will need to make sure you’re a member of CRAAZ next year.
What are the open positions?
President Elect
Vice President
President Elect requires a CTR (or someone CTR eligible) and is a 3 year commitment (you’ll serve one year as President Elect to learn the ropes, then have your chance to hear “Hail to the Chief” sung in your honor as President your second year (2019), and then you’ll get to enjoy being Immediate Past President and chair of the Nominating Committee. Perks include getting to represent CRAAZ at NCRA when you’re President and getting to plan the conference (you know you want to!).
Vice President means you will be able to vote and attend teleconferences, and you’ll step in when the President can’t. It’s a great learning experience. You’ll need your CTR in case you have to serve as President.
Secretary would give you the opportunity to get to know the Board and become more involved in CRAAZ as well by helping with meeting minutes (no big deal…we even have a template) and maintaining the membership list. You’ll laugh lots and you’ll learn lots, sometimes at the same time.
We’d love to hear your suggestions, and we will gently remind them how amazing they are and see if they’re interested in participating on the CRAAZ Board.
Have we got positions for you! We’re always looking for general membership representatives who can give us feedback from our members on how we can improve CRAAZ. You could help out with the Education conference. Maybe you’re the sort who just love coming up with rules and regulations. There’s the Bylaws Committee to consider. Oh…or you could be great with websites and e-mails (I see that phone out right now). We’d love to have you share your time and your talents, whatever they are.
Let us know what you’re interested in doing and what you’re available for and we’ll find a spot for you. There are fresh baked cookies and balloon animals!
If you’re interested in running for the CRAAZ Board, if you have suggestions for who we should approach, or if you’re interested in serving in a non-elected (appointed) position, please fill out the information form I’ve attached. You can return it to me at or contact past CRAAZ president Iris Castro at
We’ll be voting on Friday, so send us your nominations ASAP.
All my best,
Juliet R. Wilkins, CTR
Immediate Past President/President Elect/Nominating Committee Chair
Cancer Registry Association of Arizona